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Privacy policy

Privacy Notice:


Applicable Law(s):


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): (Regulation (EU) 2016/79 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).



Who are we

How we use your data

Our service providers and suppliers

What data is collected

How we ensure your privacy is maintained

Your legal rights relating to your personal data


Who are we:


At Storm city models we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our


visitors to our web site. As a adult webcam modelling agency we apply the highest standards of


security and data protection. We do not sell, rent or trade any information about any


visitors/members with any third parties.


How we use your data:


Data is used to provide the core services we provide.

To make a tailored payment solution to suit your needs.

to manage any registered account(s) that you hold with us

to verify your identity

with your agreement, to contact you electronically about promotional offers and products and services which we think may interest you

for market research purposes – to better understand your needs

to enable us to manage customer service interactions with you

where we have a legal right or duty to use or disclose your information (for example in relation to an investigation by a public authority or in a legal dispute).

Our service providers and suppliers:


In order to make certain services available to you, we may need to share your personal data with


some of our service partners.  These include banks and other payment processors, for example, etc depending on the payment services you wish to use.


What data is collected:


Storm city models may collect the following information about you:


your name, age/date of birth and gender

your contact details: postal address including billing and delivery addresses, telephone numbers (including mobile numbers) and e-mail address

your password(s)

your communication and marketing preferences

your correspondence and communications with us

Our websites are not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.


This list is not exhaustive and, in specific instances, we may need to collect additional data for the purposes set out in this Policy. Some of the above personal data is collected directly, for example when you set up an on-line account on our website, or send an email to our customer services team. Other personal data is collected indirectly, for example  personal data from third parties who you have already consented your information to, eg AWS Affiliate World Systems Intl Ltd, ICF Technology, Inc  are a few examples.


How we ensure your privacy is maintained


Our security measures include: –


encryption of data (High Level Biometrics On All Devices Used)

regular cyber security assessments of all service providers who may handle your personal data

regular scenario planning and crisis management exercises to ensure we are ready to respond to cyber security attacks and data security incidents

daily penetration testing of systems

security controls which protect our entire IT infrastructure from external attack and unauthorised access

internal policies setting out our data security approach and training for employees

Your legal rights relating to your personal data


You have the following rights:


the right to ask for a copy of personal data that we hold about you (the right of access);

the right (in certain circumstances) to request that we delete personal data held on you; where we no longer have any legal reason to retain it (the right of erasure or to be forgotten);

the right to ask us to update and correct any out-of-date or incorrect personal data that we hold about you (the right of rectification);

the right to opt out of any marketing communications that we may send you and to object to us using / holding your personal data if we have no legitimate reasons to do so (the right to object);

the right (in certain circumstances) to ask us to ‘restrict processing of data’; which means that we would need to secure and retain the data for your benefit but not otherwise use it (the right to restrict processing); and

the right (in certain circumstances) to ask us to supply you with some of the personal data we hold about you in a structured machine-readable format and/or to provide copy of the data in such a format to another organisation (the right to data portability).


If you have any questions about how Stormcitymodels use your personal data that are not answered here, or if you want to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, please contact us ay

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